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Responsive layout grid

The responsive grid consists of rows and columns. Depending on the screen width these may change.

For making the responsive grid. The CSS grid system is used.


In order to make grid response the following grid points are used. It is possible to change the amount of columns, margins and gutters for each breakpoint. However for ease of use all the breakpoints have an equal amount of columns. The margins are on the outside of a grid. The gutter is the space between columns
Range (px) Window Columns Margins/ Gutters (px)
0 - 599 xs 12 16
600 - 1023 sm 12 24
1024 - 1439 md 12 24
1440 - 1919 lg 12 24
1920 + xl 12 24


Before using the grid you can also use a class .container. The container is mainly used for giving a size to the content of the page. By default the container is smaller than the screen but when you add the class .container--fluid you can make the container fullscreen.


With the grid and the breakpoints quite a few classes come along.
Window Class Result
xs xs1 - xs12 Element width
start-xs1 - start-xs12 Column starting position
xs__text--(right, left or center) Text alignment
xs-(only, up, and-down)-(show, hide) Show/ hide element
sm sm1 - sm12 Element width
start-sm1 - start-sm12 Column starting position
sm__text--(right, left or center) Text alignment
sm-(only, up, and-up, down, and-down)-(show, hide) Show/ hide element
md md1 - md12 Element width
start-md1 - start-md12 Column starting position
md__text--(right, left or center) Text alignment
md-(only, up, and-up, down, and-down)-(show, hide) Show/ hide element
lg lg1 - lg12 Element width
start-lg1 - start-lg12 Column starting position
lg__text--(right, left or center) Text alignment
lg-(only, up, and-up, down, and-down)-(show, hide) Show/ hide element
xl xl1 - xl12 Element width
start-xl1 - start-xl12 Column starting position
xl__text--(right, left or center) Text alignment
xl-(only, and-up, down)-(show, hide) Show/ hide element



A few examples of columns
12 columns
4 columns
4 columns
4 columns
6 columns
6 columns
6 columns
3 columns
3 columns
start 7 rendered 1
start 1 rendered 2
<div class="row">
    <div class="xs12 text-center blue">12 columns</div>

    <div class="xs4 text-center blue">4 columns</div>
    <div class="xs4 text-center blue">4 columns</div>
    <div class="xs4 text-center blue">4 columns</div>

    <div class="xs6 text-center blue">6 columns</div>
    <div class="xs6 text-center blue">6 columns</div>

    <div class="xs6 text-center blue">6 columns</div>
    <div class="xs3 text-center blue">3 columns</div>
    <div class="xs3 text-center blue">3 columns</div>

    <div class="xs6 text-center blue start-xs7">start 7 rendered 1</div>
    <div class="xs6 text-center blue start-xs1">start 1 rendered 2</div>