App bar
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App bar

There are a couple of app bars that you can choose from. There is a default and fixed option.

Click the button to switch between the two options.


The default app bar will scroll with the page. For the default app bar you only need to add the .app-bar class to an element.

The menu icon is used to trigger the menu. The data-trigger attribute must match the id of the navigation drawer.

The .app-bar-__title contains the title of the page. In the example a div is used but a h1 - h6 element is also supported.

In the .app-bar__actions section it is possible to add actions. Do note that you are responsible for hiding actions on mobile screens.

<header class="app-bar">
    <i class="material-icons icon" data-trigger="drawer">menu</i>

    <div class="app-bar__title">
        App bar

    <div class="app-bar__actions">
        <i class="material-icons icon">person</i>


If you prefer for the app bar to stay at the top of the page you only need to add the .app-bar--fixed class.
<header class="app-bar app-bar--fixed">
    <i class="material-icons icon" data-trigger="drawer">menu</i>

    <div class="app-bar__title">
        App bar

    <div class="app-bar__actions">
        <i class="material-icons icon">person</i>


Scss CSS Result
$app-bar-background --app-bar-background Change app bar background
$app-bar-font-color --app-bar-font-color Change app bar font color
$app-bar-height --app-bar-height Change app bar height
$app-bar-padding --app-bar-padding Change app bar padding
$app-bar__title-margin --app-bar__title-margin Change app bar title margin
$app-bar__actions-margin --app-bar__actions-margin Change app bar actions margin