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There are a couple of different banners that you can use. There is the single line, multi-line and image multi line

Single line banner

The default banner consist of text and a action or button.

To make a banner you always need to use the base class .banner. For the single line banner you also need to use the additional class .banner__single-line. For the elements within the banner you need to use the classes .banner__single-line__content and .banner__single-line__actions accordingly.

For desktop a single line banner can also supports multiple actions

<div class="banner banner--single-line">
    <div class="banner__content">
        One line text string with one action

    <div class="banner__actions">
        <button class="button button--text">

        <button class="button button--text md-down-hide">

Multi line banner

The multi line banner consists of 2 lines of content and can container multiple actions.

For the multi line banner you need to use the class .banner__multi-line. The content and actions you need to use the same classes as for the single line except it is now multi-line.

<div class="banner banner--multi-line">
    <div class="banner__content">
        Two line text string with two actions. One to two <br>lines is preferable on mobile and tablet.

    <div class="banner__actions">
        <button class="button button--text">

        <button class="button button--text">

Image multi line banner

Next to the single and multi line there is also an image with multi line banner.

<div class="banner banner--image-multi-line">
    <div class="banner__image">
        <img src="//" alt="placeholder">

    <div class="banner__content">
        Two line text string with two actions. One to two <br>lines is preferable on mobile and tablet.

    <div class="banner__actions">
        <button class="button button--text">

        <button class="button button--text">


Scss CSS Result
$banner--single-line-height --banner--single-line-height Change banner single line, height
$banner--single-line-padding --banner--single-line-padding Change banner single line padding
$banner--single-line__actions-margin --banner--single-line__actions-margin Change banner single line actions margin
$banner--multi-line-height --banner--multi-line-height Change banner multi line, height
$banner--multi-line__content-padding --banner--multi-line__content-padding Change banner multi line content padding
$banner--multi-line__actions-padding --banner--multi-line__actions-padding Change banner multi line actions padding
$banner--image-multi-line-height --banner--image-multi-line-height Change banner image multi line, height
$banner--image-multi-line__img-size --banner--image-multi-line__img-size Change banner image multi line image size
$banner--image-multi-line__image-padding --banner--image-multi-line__image-padding Change banner image multi line image padding
$banner--image-multi-line__content-padding --banner--image-multi-line__content-padding Change banner image multi line content padding
$banner--image-multi-line__content-margin --banner--image-multi-line__content-margin Change banner image multi line content margin
$banner__actions-margin --banner__actions-margin Change banner actions margin
$banner-md-up--single-line-height --banner-md-up--single-line-height Change banner medium up single line, height
$banner-md-up--single-line-padding --banner-md-up--single-line-padding Change banner medium up single line padding
$banner-md-up--single-line__actions-margin --banner-md-up--single-line__actions-margin Change banner medium up single line actions margin
$banner-md-up--multi-line-height --banner-md-up--multi-line-height Change banner medium up multi line, height